Well, a bit of catch up is due, it seems.
Shelf reorganisation at school B: I have finished re-shelving the picture books and chapter books. Have also weeded. My discard count is ~2600. And I haven't finished discarded all the weeds yet--all the chap books are done, but about 1/2 or a 1/3 of the picture books.
But seeing as I am in the midst of Book Fair Ponn Farr, it'll have to wait. It IS nice to stare at the shelves across from me and see just picture books neatly on the shelves...then look to the chapter books; but then I shudder when I look at the non fic that still needs to be done. *sigh* I've put posters up in some of the bays over the empty shelves--that's gotten me raves from just about everyone that's set foot in the library. I figured I may as well use it....
Book Fairs--am holding book fairs at both schools in the same bloody week; evening parent events are the same night as well. I'm doing the one at School B as it's my new to me school. PD and one of the EA's at school A are doing the evening event for me. (PD also has BF at her school B--their evening event is Wed, so I will be going up to help her.) Managed to get enough volunteers to cover most slots. I have to be at School B at the end of day both Tues and Wed, and will be by myself there Thurs p.m. (Luckily, school A isn't doing P/T interviews Thurs afernoon.) I'll be working Fri afternoon at school A by myself, too. I'm not sure which is worse, two the same week or doing them one per week, one after the other. I'll know that after February. I DO have interac at School A for the first time. (School B is so small they'd never get interac.)
Almost had a disaster of immense proportions. Not sure if I mentioned it, but School A has a small 14 computer lab in a long narrow room off the library (I think it _might've_ been a library classroom at one point--it has chalkboards. *shrug*). Anyhow, the teachers' have been jonesing for a full classroom sized lab, especially now that they can't do doubles with me.
So PHP II was talking to the head of Info instruction for the board (and the comp tech for School A, SR); the head said that the board wouldn't pay for the full room lab, etc. The genius fucking solution they came up with? 5 computers on either side of the door to the lab--on the LIBRARY side. Where I have the beginning of my non fic and reference. When discussing this with the PHP, I was against it and when I asked where we'd put the books. She waved at the other side of the library, "Oh, over there." fuuuuccckkkk. I was worried about pissing her off, as PD said that's when she tends to get tetchy with folks. So, she left, I went in the back room for a cry and some self pity. Still felt like a slap in the face after all I've done to clean up / open up that library. Once I finished there, I went out and plotted out how I'd have to change the way the library is set up; otherwise I'd be staring at one of the new banks of comps. Anyhow, some teachers were for this idea (bastards) and some weren't.
About a week ago, PHP II tells me (I didn't mention she broached the above with me by asking if I'd heard any rumours about the library. *rolls eyes* What, are we in HS here?) that after talking with the head of Info Tech (not the same dude as above), who's the dude in charge of the tech guys, that he'd said NO to putting the comps in the split situation; 10 in the library 14 in the current lab. I have never wanted to hug a man who is pretty close to a complete stranger to me as I did this man. Tl; dr: both he and the head of property services signed off on us getting the classroom lab (upstairs)--I'll give the PHP II credit--once she learned we'd been thisclose to a lab about 4 years ago (before big budget cuts)--to the point of work orders--she pursued it hardcore. Anyhow, talking to DT at school b today and he said we ARE getting our lab--PHP II didn't make that clear at the last staff meeting.
AND when one of the teachers asked what would happen to the lab once the comps were moved, she answered that "slashgirl has plans for it". I said that I would be making it into a workroom as I have no space to work that isn't in the main library (my backroom is storage and staff books/resources). I also said that it could be used a small meeting room or if teachers wanted to do student testing while in for library, that was cool too. *whispers* I might have an office again, soon.*
Honestly, I love comps and tech, but I hate having the lab near the library cus guess who is always responsible for shit? Yeah. I don't mind on one hand, but on the other? It'll be nice that it's upstairs, far away from me. :D
And I'm pleased the PHP II seems to be willing to give me what I want...and if I get this, I'll try not to ask for anything major for a year or two. LOL
I've actually gotten a bit of cataloguing done--and processing for the hackmatack books. Sent the records to PD and she sent me the french ones (school B gets the french; who do I need to call to cancel those for next year?). If I had my druthers, I'd be a full time cataloguer...and that's all I'd be responsible for. *sigh*
Ah, well. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
24 November 2012
10 October 2012
you can give it all up for a place in the sun
There was an admins meeting at the board yesterday (they have them at least monthly). So, no PHP II at work, at least.
Except she must've been bored cus I got a half dozen emails for me. Wanting me to put up the OH&S minutes before they're approved by the committee. *sigh* Okay, whatevs, but I'm NOT sending them to the board before they're approved. Then a list of books for mi'kmaq heritage and african cdn/american stuff. She wanted to know what we didn't have...of course it was a pdf so I couldn't do it back to her electronically but gave her the paper copy today.
Then she sent me some stuff for the SAC section of the website--and with that one I won the arguement about putting the minutes up before committee approval. Anyhow she wondered if she could have admin access to the website. *TWITCH* There are many reasons I'm in library sciences. Control freak are two of them. I was initially going to email her back and pretty much say, in a small voice, "um, no, if that's okay with you." But I knew that would only spur her to want access and show me not to be a Team Player (there is no I in team (but there IS "me" if you rearrange the letters)).
I quickly threw out that idea and instead went for defeat via techno babble. I emailed back and said that while she could certainly have access, well, right now you have to upload files via Front Page as the FTP isn't working...and that while she could upload, I'd rather be the one to do the links, since the sites CSS could easily be affected and mess up the entire site. *halo--sitting on the devil horns* I also pointed out that I can generally get things up the same day as I have access to the website from home and do check my email on the weekends (my weekend includes Mondays).
And it was the right tack to take as she quickly emailed back that it would be easier for me to do--as she thought it would be. I wonder if it was an intentional test... To see how cooperative I'll be. I always feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop with that woman.I've been really good about not asking her to stop using my secret door.
I have two doors into the library--they're on the same wall but at different ends; the door the kids use is goes the hallway--the other door is across from the main office door, but also right next to the door into the above mentioned hallway and near the lobby. If it was used during class time by the kids, the congestion would be quite bad. I call it my secret door as one day, early on during my time at the school, Principal mr K was at the office door when I came out of the library door. He called down the hallway to the VP: "Hey, S, the librarian found the secret door!" So that's what I've called it ever since. I'd rather she didn't use it, but hey, as one of the EAs I work with says: "That's not a hill I want to die on." Yep, pick yo' battles, man.
I'm currently staying at PD's place as they're on their trip to the NASCAR race and to meet Jimmie Johnson down in Charlotte, NC. (Her son had to have a heart transplant a year ago Memorial Day weekend.) So they're off, I'm here and abusing her washing machine and dryer, but she said I could. LOL I don't think she thought I'd bring all my laundry--I did leave towels and sheets at home. Just a few small washes. *g*
Except she must've been bored cus I got a half dozen emails for me. Wanting me to put up the OH&S minutes before they're approved by the committee. *sigh* Okay, whatevs, but I'm NOT sending them to the board before they're approved. Then a list of books for mi'kmaq heritage and african cdn/american stuff. She wanted to know what we didn't have...of course it was a pdf so I couldn't do it back to her electronically but gave her the paper copy today.
Then she sent me some stuff for the SAC section of the website--and with that one I won the arguement about putting the minutes up before committee approval. Anyhow she wondered if she could have admin access to the website. *TWITCH* There are many reasons I'm in library sciences. Control freak are two of them. I was initially going to email her back and pretty much say, in a small voice, "um, no, if that's okay with you." But I knew that would only spur her to want access and show me not to be a Team Player (there is no I in team (but there IS "me" if you rearrange the letters)).
I quickly threw out that idea and instead went for defeat via techno babble. I emailed back and said that while she could certainly have access, well, right now you have to upload files via Front Page as the FTP isn't working...and that while she could upload, I'd rather be the one to do the links, since the sites CSS could easily be affected and mess up the entire site. *halo--sitting on the devil horns* I also pointed out that I can generally get things up the same day as I have access to the website from home and do check my email on the weekends (my weekend includes Mondays).
And it was the right tack to take as she quickly emailed back that it would be easier for me to do--as she thought it would be. I wonder if it was an intentional test... To see how cooperative I'll be. I always feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop with that woman.I've been really good about not asking her to stop using my secret door.
I have two doors into the library--they're on the same wall but at different ends; the door the kids use is goes the hallway--the other door is across from the main office door, but also right next to the door into the above mentioned hallway and near the lobby. If it was used during class time by the kids, the congestion would be quite bad. I call it my secret door as one day, early on during my time at the school, Principal mr K was at the office door when I came out of the library door. He called down the hallway to the VP: "Hey, S, the librarian found the secret door!" So that's what I've called it ever since. I'd rather she didn't use it, but hey, as one of the EAs I work with says: "That's not a hill I want to die on." Yep, pick yo' battles, man.
I'm currently staying at PD's place as they're on their trip to the NASCAR race and to meet Jimmie Johnson down in Charlotte, NC. (Her son had to have a heart transplant a year ago Memorial Day weekend.) So they're off, I'm here and abusing her washing machine and dryer, but she said I could. LOL I don't think she thought I'd bring all my laundry--I did leave towels and sheets at home. Just a few small washes. *g*
08 October 2012
sad news
Was at the 'rents today for Thanksgiving (Canada, eh?) and in talking to my mum, found out that a former student of mine had died at the age of 21. I wasn't sure if I was putting the right face with the right name, but when I got home, I checked for his obit--found the funeral home info which included pics. It was. He would've been in grade 1 or 2 when I started--I've been with the board for ~15 years now. And I would've had him through to grade 5.
He wasn't a child I was especially close to or fond of--but he was a pretty good kid. And did a lot in HS. He was going to school out west...and he died of alcohol poisoning. Which, in some ways, makes his death that much sadder. I'm pretty sure he's the first former student of mine that's died--or at least the first one I know about. (You get the transient kids, who've been to a dozen schools in less years--always moving and often you never hear of them again once they move.)
He wasn't a child I was especially close to or fond of--but he was a pretty good kid. And did a lot in HS. He was going to school out west...and he died of alcohol poisoning. Which, in some ways, makes his death that much sadder. I'm pretty sure he's the first former student of mine that's died--or at least the first one I know about. (You get the transient kids, who've been to a dozen schools in less years--always moving and often you never hear of them again once they move.)
07 October 2012
his moves would put you in a trance
Thursday and Friday were...nothing out of the ordinary. Although I did walk into my library at School B Thursday morning to find all my chairs and tables missing. I had no idea what was up--did they want to get rid of me, too? LOL I started the long walk down to the office to ask the principal what was up...and as I walked I realised the school board meeting had been hosted there the night before. Hmmm, could it be? I checked in the gym and there were my tables and chairs. I assumed the day janitor would be bringing them back--and she did.
I've started shifting the picture and chapter books at School B--if you remember they were interfiled. (Whisky. Tango. Foxtrot.)--and on 7 ft shelves, etc. I've started working with the chapter books first, going from Z to A cus I know where I wanted that section to end. I'll be moving the picture books twice, because, although I know where I want them to START, I can't put them there as there are books on the shelf already.
I'm weeding the chapter books as I go through (I'll do the pic books when I go to put them back on the shelves)--and putting them 5 shelves high, probably about 4.5 ft for the highest, if that. The non fic will be just a bit higher--boob height on me--the same height I have them at School A (and I lowered several of those that were too high). Non fic, will be done and moved after chaps and pbs--cus I've got soem of the picture books on the shelves for the non fic.
The French immersion teacher is quite willing to cut apart any hardcover books I might have for discard; she likes having something to do while the kids are in the library. We were talking when they were in on Thurs and I said it drives me crazy looking at the books intermixed, but that where I've just got chapter books is calming for me. She said that she feels the same.
Friday morning, the principal was on the PA and called Oct black history month. It's actually Mi'k maq history month. I emailed her the list of facts that I use at School A for the announcements; she came down to the library to thank me for them and said she'd use them. I need to get some more facts so that I can vary them from year to year.
Thursday a.m. rec'd a call from LM, the HR woman for LTs/support staff. We've had, with the school changes, some folks going to Alex schools from Library Pro schools. I knew they'd eventually ask me to inservice folks as I've used Alex the longest and am always as up to date as I can be. So, she called asking me to do it on prov con day which is 26 Oct. I said I would.
Thing is, LM had approved PD and I for the day to do something else, so she's offering us a day in lieu of. We were going to do my school B, but I think now, we'll do PD's school B; she needs help with weeding her picture books. She's never worked elem before....And it's all I've done. The best day for us (I want a tues or wed, she wants a day 2 or 4), is the 24th, two days before the prov con day, but the only day we'd both get what we wanted (though those aren't deal breakers) until the new year because of book fairs and other things. And she'd like to do it sooner rather than later.
I'll ask LM if this is a case of having all the people (prolly 8 or so) having alex on the comps they'll be using (they'd have to bring their own codes to activate them) or if it's just gonna be me, showing them how to do things using an LCD and my version of Alex.... And I'm sure some are on v5, some are on v6.... I'll email her on Tuesday asking for clarifications. Also, see if those who want inservicing have any particular areas they want to go over. I'm sure for most of them, it's probably little things that they want to know how to do or change. And I've got a few suggestions fo things I find help me, that I can also suggest to them/let them know about. I suppose I should feel honoured to be asked to do this. But I'd much rather get my Mondays back....lol.
I've started shifting the picture and chapter books at School B--if you remember they were interfiled. (Whisky. Tango. Foxtrot.)--and on 7 ft shelves, etc. I've started working with the chapter books first, going from Z to A cus I know where I wanted that section to end. I'll be moving the picture books twice, because, although I know where I want them to START, I can't put them there as there are books on the shelf already.
I'm weeding the chapter books as I go through (I'll do the pic books when I go to put them back on the shelves)--and putting them 5 shelves high, probably about 4.5 ft for the highest, if that. The non fic will be just a bit higher--boob height on me--the same height I have them at School A (and I lowered several of those that were too high). Non fic, will be done and moved after chaps and pbs--cus I've got soem of the picture books on the shelves for the non fic.
The French immersion teacher is quite willing to cut apart any hardcover books I might have for discard; she likes having something to do while the kids are in the library. We were talking when they were in on Thurs and I said it drives me crazy looking at the books intermixed, but that where I've just got chapter books is calming for me. She said that she feels the same.
Friday morning, the principal was on the PA and called Oct black history month. It's actually Mi'k maq history month. I emailed her the list of facts that I use at School A for the announcements; she came down to the library to thank me for them and said she'd use them. I need to get some more facts so that I can vary them from year to year.
Thursday a.m. rec'd a call from LM, the HR woman for LTs/support staff. We've had, with the school changes, some folks going to Alex schools from Library Pro schools. I knew they'd eventually ask me to inservice folks as I've used Alex the longest and am always as up to date as I can be. So, she called asking me to do it on prov con day which is 26 Oct. I said I would.
Thing is, LM had approved PD and I for the day to do something else, so she's offering us a day in lieu of. We were going to do my school B, but I think now, we'll do PD's school B; she needs help with weeding her picture books. She's never worked elem before....And it's all I've done. The best day for us (I want a tues or wed, she wants a day 2 or 4), is the 24th, two days before the prov con day, but the only day we'd both get what we wanted (though those aren't deal breakers) until the new year because of book fairs and other things. And she'd like to do it sooner rather than later.
I'll ask LM if this is a case of having all the people (prolly 8 or so) having alex on the comps they'll be using (they'd have to bring their own codes to activate them) or if it's just gonna be me, showing them how to do things using an LCD and my version of Alex.... And I'm sure some are on v5, some are on v6.... I'll email her on Tuesday asking for clarifications. Also, see if those who want inservicing have any particular areas they want to go over. I'm sure for most of them, it's probably little things that they want to know how to do or change. And I've got a few suggestions fo things I find help me, that I can also suggest to them/let them know about. I suppose I should feel honoured to be asked to do this. But I'd much rather get my Mondays back....lol.
04 October 2012
see chameleon lying there in the sun
Yesterday was school A again. One of the teachers, the power cord on her laptop was making a beeping noise. So, I emailed DT (tech guy from school B) about it, figuring I'd get an answer faster than if I emailed SR... I emailed with 'power cord beeping' as the subline...and asked if that meant imminent death or some other issue. Before he could reply, the teacher comes and tells me it's died and asks if I have another one. I didn't think I did, but when I went to take my lunch time insulin injection, I realised that the last time I borrowed a school laptop that when SR took ti back, he didn't take the cord. So I had one and it was the right one.
Thus, I emailed DT again, with the sub line 'nevermind' and the text that the power pack had answered its own question and died.
I stayed after school to laminate some bookmarks (with barcodes) for the kids in the primary class... I printed to the photocopier and when I came through the office, there was DT leaning against the front counter. I asked if he was lost, he said that he was and hadn't been found. He then said if I was going to send such amusing emails, I could continue to send them. I just looked at him; he said he'd laughed when he'd rec'd my first email, showing it to his co-hort and laughing cus "Power cords can't beep, it's an adapter". Cue me rolling my eyes and only not telling him to bite me cus we were in the main office. Then he said they LOVED the second email with "nevermind, it's died". Good to know I'm useful, even if it is just as comic relief.
Anyhow, DT and co-hort were at our school to install the security camera.... A little while later I was in my library taking all the laminate that hadn't fused on my bookmarks (which was all of it), when DT comes in, and he sounded like he was asking if I had ocmps with CD player issues. But no, he wanted a comp that had a working cd player as the one on his "craptop" wasn't working. He provided me with about 20 mins of amusement as he tried to get the camera stuff set up and working.
I told him that while he was there, could he install win7 for me--the cd was right there. He laughed. I said it was supposed to have been installed over the summer. DT: "How's that working for you?" Me: "You know who my tech is...." He didn't install it for me, the bugger.
Upgraded Alex as a new version was out--and before I installed it, the sounds wouldn't change for me, and even after the update, the sound alerts wouldn't change--so I submitted a request via their website. I didn't get the email til I got home, telling me to rebuild the db. Which it had done after the install--so I didn't think it would work. I tried it on my way in this morning (I have to go by school A's street to get to school B)--and it still didn't work. Emailed them once I was at school B to tell them.
So, I do the Alex update at school B (where the sounds were okay). Then realised it had deleted all my books listed as discarded (or at least it was showing 0 discarded books, when I had ~200 last week). Called them and the guy starts telling me to restore from the archived copy--and I say that will erase all my transactions from today, won't it? "Oh, you've done sign out". Yes, my darling, you're in Utah or Colorado--it's past 10 out here and only 7 am. for you. Then I ask if I can temp install Alex on another comp to at least get my list of discarded books. He says yes, if I shut the other one down. I laughed mentally.
I hike back to the library, d/l the installation file for the previous version of Alex, go to install it and! I need at least 10.5...the emac only has 10.4.whateever. So I tried vers 5.9, sometimes the new files work in the older version. Not this one.
I'm going to try it at home on my win machine (yes, I know, but I never use it at work/home the same time). Hopefully the archive will work regardless of mac/win. *sigh*
At least tomorrow is Friday.
Thus, I emailed DT again, with the sub line 'nevermind' and the text that the power pack had answered its own question and died.
I stayed after school to laminate some bookmarks (with barcodes) for the kids in the primary class... I printed to the photocopier and when I came through the office, there was DT leaning against the front counter. I asked if he was lost, he said that he was and hadn't been found. He then said if I was going to send such amusing emails, I could continue to send them. I just looked at him; he said he'd laughed when he'd rec'd my first email, showing it to his co-hort and laughing cus "Power cords can't beep, it's an adapter". Cue me rolling my eyes and only not telling him to bite me cus we were in the main office. Then he said they LOVED the second email with "nevermind, it's died". Good to know I'm useful, even if it is just as comic relief.
Anyhow, DT and co-hort were at our school to install the security camera.... A little while later I was in my library taking all the laminate that hadn't fused on my bookmarks (which was all of it), when DT comes in, and he sounded like he was asking if I had ocmps with CD player issues. But no, he wanted a comp that had a working cd player as the one on his "craptop" wasn't working. He provided me with about 20 mins of amusement as he tried to get the camera stuff set up and working.
I told him that while he was there, could he install win7 for me--the cd was right there. He laughed. I said it was supposed to have been installed over the summer. DT: "How's that working for you?" Me: "You know who my tech is...." He didn't install it for me, the bugger.
Upgraded Alex as a new version was out--and before I installed it, the sounds wouldn't change for me, and even after the update, the sound alerts wouldn't change--so I submitted a request via their website. I didn't get the email til I got home, telling me to rebuild the db. Which it had done after the install--so I didn't think it would work. I tried it on my way in this morning (I have to go by school A's street to get to school B)--and it still didn't work. Emailed them once I was at school B to tell them.
So, I do the Alex update at school B (where the sounds were okay). Then realised it had deleted all my books listed as discarded (or at least it was showing 0 discarded books, when I had ~200 last week). Called them and the guy starts telling me to restore from the archived copy--and I say that will erase all my transactions from today, won't it? "Oh, you've done sign out". Yes, my darling, you're in Utah or Colorado--it's past 10 out here and only 7 am. for you. Then I ask if I can temp install Alex on another comp to at least get my list of discarded books. He says yes, if I shut the other one down. I laughed mentally.
I hike back to the library, d/l the installation file for the previous version of Alex, go to install it and! I need at least 10.5...the emac only has 10.4.whateever. So I tried vers 5.9, sometimes the new files work in the older version. Not this one.
I'm going to try it at home on my win machine (yes, I know, but I never use it at work/home the same time). Hopefully the archive will work regardless of mac/win. *sigh*
At least tomorrow is Friday.
02 October 2012
Look at all you happy people, wish I could be like you
Tuesday so it must be school A. One of the primary teachers couldn't deal with her entire class in the lab, so she's going to do half and half on tues, then on Monday, the same--I'm making bookmarks to put in the books so the kids can sign out. I'll do it tues a.m. I really shouldn't do this, but fuck it. Whether I do it or not is not going to put us back to FT at one school or not. This change is permanent, despite the wishful thinking of our union (who've done dick all to help us, really. a few small rallies last school year...but yeah).
Anyways, today I had to do shelving. I hate shelving...my least favourite thing to do. But for the past two years I've had a volunteer (whom I'd trained to be my sub) who LOVED to shelve (I know, wtf?) but she's done almost all of it. I've done a handful here and there. But she's gotten a job (she's on income assistance and wants to get off of it, which I think is awesome), so her ability to come in when I'm in on this reduced schedule is lacking. She's been good about not coming in when I'm not there.... Anyhow, had three shelves of shelving to do (I do a presort as I sign in--non fic, chapter books and pic books) since it didn't get done last week and the book return box was FULL to almost over flowing. So, yeah, no choice. Did it during the classes--it's a lot easier with the older groups. Of course, by the end of the day, I had another set of three half full shelves. I really hope my volunteer is in tomorrow. And not just cus of the shelving; I like her as a person, too.
From 10-15 Oct, I'll be house/cat sitting for my best friend, PD. Her 14 year old son (whom I've known since before he was born, *g*) had to have a heart transplant last year--which he got on the US Memorial Day weekend--he was "lucky" in that he needed an adult sized heart as he was a big boy (no, i don't mean fat, I mean tall)--children's hearts are really hard to come by. Anyhow, the reason PD is away is that it's her son's Make a Wish (er, not sure if it's that org, but same idea)--he wanted to go to a NASCAR race and meet his fave driver, who I think is Jimmie Johnson--what do I know about NASCAR? Not much. Anyhow, there's been a fair bit of B&E in PD's area by kids who go to the school she works at, so if they knew her house was empty--she might come home to nothing. So, I'm going up. She's got three cats and dog, but the dog'll be staying with her parents--her step father loves having the dog over...and they're home all day, which is easier than me who's working. I'll still be the same distances, approx. from my work sites, just now, school B will be closer than school A.
Anyways, today I had to do shelving. I hate shelving...my least favourite thing to do. But for the past two years I've had a volunteer (whom I'd trained to be my sub) who LOVED to shelve (I know, wtf?) but she's done almost all of it. I've done a handful here and there. But she's gotten a job (she's on income assistance and wants to get off of it, which I think is awesome), so her ability to come in when I'm in on this reduced schedule is lacking. She's been good about not coming in when I'm not there.... Anyhow, had three shelves of shelving to do (I do a presort as I sign in--non fic, chapter books and pic books) since it didn't get done last week and the book return box was FULL to almost over flowing. So, yeah, no choice. Did it during the classes--it's a lot easier with the older groups. Of course, by the end of the day, I had another set of three half full shelves. I really hope my volunteer is in tomorrow. And not just cus of the shelving; I like her as a person, too.
From 10-15 Oct, I'll be house/cat sitting for my best friend, PD. Her 14 year old son (whom I've known since before he was born, *g*) had to have a heart transplant last year--which he got on the US Memorial Day weekend--he was "lucky" in that he needed an adult sized heart as he was a big boy (no, i don't mean fat, I mean tall)--children's hearts are really hard to come by. Anyhow, the reason PD is away is that it's her son's Make a Wish (er, not sure if it's that org, but same idea)--he wanted to go to a NASCAR race and meet his fave driver, who I think is Jimmie Johnson--what do I know about NASCAR? Not much. Anyhow, there's been a fair bit of B&E in PD's area by kids who go to the school she works at, so if they knew her house was empty--she might come home to nothing. So, I'm going up. She's got three cats and dog, but the dog'll be staying with her parents--her step father loves having the dog over...and they're home all day, which is easier than me who's working. I'll still be the same distances, approx. from my work sites, just now, school B will be closer than school A.
01 October 2012
it must be wrong to love you like I do
Well, another Monday not spent at home, but at work. I'm the race committee rep at both of my schools (it has a longer, nicer sounding name, but it's pretty specific and I'd rather not mention it, yanno) doing rc work--putting up displays at both schools as Oct is Mi'kmaq History Month (and we still haven't got the posters, which is par for the course. It's the same time. Every year. Every year, posters are late. *sigh*). In my library at school A--I figure all the kids will see anything I do in there. At shcool B, there's an rc bulletin board, so I did that one and two other ones down by my library.
I worked on my supply order for School B--I think I have ~1500$ in budget money there...and I need spine labels and protectors, more barcodes and protectors... yeah, that money isn't going far, let me tell you. Library supply places charge so much because it's such a specific market they get away with it. I think I've got ~500$ in my school based acct, so will order some display things from that. Sometimes I think PD and I are the only two LTs in this entire board who actually decorate their libraries. This is the third Library I've come into with no display stuff--well, not enough to count. I get reading sets, character education sets, racial/diversity sets...*argh* Of course, I have no place to store anything at school B right now, but will also buy poster storage boxes.
Hmm. I think I'll get BD (tech mentor) when he's in this wed to come over before the inservicing to show me how to set up the cloud thingy for my files--so I can access them from my laptop and at the other school--right now I'd love to be able to see where I'd ordered a nice set of winter celebration posters from, but will have to wait til I'm at school tomorrow.
I worked on my supply order for School B--I think I have ~1500$ in budget money there...and I need spine labels and protectors, more barcodes and protectors... yeah, that money isn't going far, let me tell you. Library supply places charge so much because it's such a specific market they get away with it. I think I've got ~500$ in my school based acct, so will order some display things from that. Sometimes I think PD and I are the only two LTs in this entire board who actually decorate their libraries. This is the third Library I've come into with no display stuff--well, not enough to count. I get reading sets, character education sets, racial/diversity sets...*argh* Of course, I have no place to store anything at school B right now, but will also buy poster storage boxes.
Hmm. I think I'll get BD (tech mentor) when he's in this wed to come over before the inservicing to show me how to set up the cloud thingy for my files--so I can access them from my laptop and at the other school--right now I'd love to be able to see where I'd ordered a nice set of winter celebration posters from, but will have to wait til I'm at school tomorrow.
29 September 2012
sweet dreams of you, things I know can't come true
Missed a few days...most of the week was pretty typical; back to back classes at School A...and having one teacher ask if I had any free periods...hahaha. Only on Fridays, my dear. Bring your class down when they're scheduled.
On Thurs at School B the french consultant showed up--and, as usual, I was the last to know. Even though she was going to be taking stuff from the staff collection--we have the last dregs of early immersion--it's a 4/5 class with NINE students (and a teacher that's getting $75000/year for that--that'd pay for 2.5 Library techs)--and after this year, the three grade 4 students will either have to stream english or go to the other elementary that has immersion (only 5-7 mins away). So the books that the current class/teacher don't need are going to be given out to other schools. It wasn't a big hassle, though I did have to discard anything with a barcode--which took away from time I could have been doing shelving/moving books. *shrug* At the end of the school year, the rest of the immersion stuff will be sent away too--frees up some shelves for teacher resources, at least.
Thursday after school I stayed and shelved most of the picture books and chapter books, but I didn't make it all the way through them. It is very discouraging shelving them together. And the nonfic section is so crowded as to be unappealing to shelve in, and I didn't have as many of those, so I'll do it later.
I lucked out for Friday--it was a county based inservice for School B--but not for School A which is the next county west (our board consists of three counties--amalgamated ~15 years ago from three seperate county boards). However... School A was having an early dismissal with teacher training for the latest aspect of the automated reports system. I asked PHP II and she said I could be at School B.
Since PD's schools are in the same county as my School B, I asked my principal there if I could spend part of the day with her. PD switched her morning time to the middle school cus they wanted her there for inservicing, and the rest of the day at the elementary. She figured she'd get over to the Elem about 10:30. So, I worked at my school til then--I've started splitting up the chapter/picture books...I'm working backwards--shelving the end of the alpha bet chapter books first and weeding as I'm going. It means, atm, that I'll have to keep moving the picture books, but I don't have anywhere to store them. Must have discarded close to 100 book.
My fave finds so far: a road atlas of Europe...©1971. I'm sure no roads have been added or changed since then. Another good one was the property stamp in a copy of an abridged Moby Dick--"School B, RCAF Station *name of base*". It was changed to CFB in 1968. Yeaahhhh.... Was talking to DT before he headed out on the road and he said I should keep them in the history section. I told him I was a library, not an archieve and if he wanted them, he could have them. He declined. (I don't think i mentioned it, but school B used to be the junior high for kids whose families lived in PMQs for the base; I grew up in the same town but couldn't go to the school, since Dad was retired from the Forces. Now it belongs to the school board and, is, obvs, an elementary.)
Got to PD's school about 10:40 just after she'd got there. We talked about her ref section (not much to it, even less now that the old crap's been weeded). This school is where I went for elementary--at that time it was primary to grade 7, now it's P-5 cus of the middle school PD works at. Anyhow, the year I started primary is also the year this school opened. I'm 41...so ~35 years old school. God, I'm old.
Then we looked at moving her circ desk and the 5 comps--2 emacs, which are her opacs (her comp is also an emac, she's trying for an imac) and 3 pcs. Anyhow we got her desk and the emacs moved and tidily tucked away...then she wondered if we could take the pcs right out of the library; they don't get used at all by the kids. So, she flagged down her principal, B, (we'd been hoping for him at my School A)--and asked to see him when he had a chance. We moved other things around--even with it not totally finished it still looked much more open. (Probably cus the comps were on huge, 4ft sq tables--and we'd moved the opacs off that to a longer/narrower table.) Anyhow B came down and his first comment was on how open and nice it looked. He agred to let the comps be used elsewhere; we moved them to the math room later.
We finished moving things around and it looks SO much better. We've also discussed getting all her books onto the new shelving. There are two sets of wooden shelves ~9ft long, double sided--they were originally on the floor but were, at some point, put on metal braces with wheels. She wants to move them til the weeding is done, but we coudln't get them moved. Once every section is weeded (we did a bit on Fri; there were books I'm pretty sure were there when I was there--I probably signed at least one of them, on astrology, out), she wants it all on the new shelves...get rid of that wooden shelving (it's original to the school--I remember it)...and that will open up an actual proper seating area in the library. I'm pretty sure B will agree to it.
PD told me that B had commented to her that he really liked what I've done with the library at School A (he was VP there 7 or 8 years ago and has been in since for inservices). I've had a few of the regular substitutes comment on how much nicer the library looks now. I opened it right up, got all the book shelves/mag racks out of the middle of the floor. I really wish we'd gotten B as our principal there--he seems like a really sweet guy--as PD says a "teddy bear". He's an effective admin without being a total dickhead. Which is always a bonus. PD was worried about how some of the teachers might take her changes; I told her not to let it bother her. It's her library now (and unlike our union, I don't believe the fairy tale that these changes are just for this year) and even if we did go back to one LT per school and the other one came back, well... It's PD's library right now. And the changes she wants to make are only going to improve the library.
At lunch I took PD to School B to show her what I'd inherited and then to School A as she hadn't seen it since I'd made the last of the major changes... she avoided being seen by PHP II who is her former VP. I went to PD's for supper and we hung out for the evening, dicussing library things. LOL Alll in all a good day.
On Thurs at School B the french consultant showed up--and, as usual, I was the last to know. Even though she was going to be taking stuff from the staff collection--we have the last dregs of early immersion--it's a 4/5 class with NINE students (and a teacher that's getting $75000/year for that--that'd pay for 2.5 Library techs)--and after this year, the three grade 4 students will either have to stream english or go to the other elementary that has immersion (only 5-7 mins away). So the books that the current class/teacher don't need are going to be given out to other schools. It wasn't a big hassle, though I did have to discard anything with a barcode--which took away from time I could have been doing shelving/moving books. *shrug* At the end of the school year, the rest of the immersion stuff will be sent away too--frees up some shelves for teacher resources, at least.
Thursday after school I stayed and shelved most of the picture books and chapter books, but I didn't make it all the way through them. It is very discouraging shelving them together. And the nonfic section is so crowded as to be unappealing to shelve in, and I didn't have as many of those, so I'll do it later.
I lucked out for Friday--it was a county based inservice for School B--but not for School A which is the next county west (our board consists of three counties--amalgamated ~15 years ago from three seperate county boards). However... School A was having an early dismissal with teacher training for the latest aspect of the automated reports system. I asked PHP II and she said I could be at School B.
Since PD's schools are in the same county as my School B, I asked my principal there if I could spend part of the day with her. PD switched her morning time to the middle school cus they wanted her there for inservicing, and the rest of the day at the elementary. She figured she'd get over to the Elem about 10:30. So, I worked at my school til then--I've started splitting up the chapter/picture books...I'm working backwards--shelving the end of the alpha bet chapter books first and weeding as I'm going. It means, atm, that I'll have to keep moving the picture books, but I don't have anywhere to store them. Must have discarded close to 100 book.
My fave finds so far: a road atlas of Europe...©1971. I'm sure no roads have been added or changed since then. Another good one was the property stamp in a copy of an abridged Moby Dick--"School B, RCAF Station *name of base*". It was changed to CFB in 1968. Yeaahhhh.... Was talking to DT before he headed out on the road and he said I should keep them in the history section. I told him I was a library, not an archieve and if he wanted them, he could have them. He declined. (I don't think i mentioned it, but school B used to be the junior high for kids whose families lived in PMQs for the base; I grew up in the same town but couldn't go to the school, since Dad was retired from the Forces. Now it belongs to the school board and, is, obvs, an elementary.)
Got to PD's school about 10:40 just after she'd got there. We talked about her ref section (not much to it, even less now that the old crap's been weeded). This school is where I went for elementary--at that time it was primary to grade 7, now it's P-5 cus of the middle school PD works at. Anyhow, the year I started primary is also the year this school opened. I'm 41...so ~35 years old school. God, I'm old.
Then we looked at moving her circ desk and the 5 comps--2 emacs, which are her opacs (her comp is also an emac, she's trying for an imac) and 3 pcs. Anyhow we got her desk and the emacs moved and tidily tucked away...then she wondered if we could take the pcs right out of the library; they don't get used at all by the kids. So, she flagged down her principal, B, (we'd been hoping for him at my School A)--and asked to see him when he had a chance. We moved other things around--even with it not totally finished it still looked much more open. (Probably cus the comps were on huge, 4ft sq tables--and we'd moved the opacs off that to a longer/narrower table.) Anyhow B came down and his first comment was on how open and nice it looked. He agred to let the comps be used elsewhere; we moved them to the math room later.
We finished moving things around and it looks SO much better. We've also discussed getting all her books onto the new shelving. There are two sets of wooden shelves ~9ft long, double sided--they were originally on the floor but were, at some point, put on metal braces with wheels. She wants to move them til the weeding is done, but we coudln't get them moved. Once every section is weeded (we did a bit on Fri; there were books I'm pretty sure were there when I was there--I probably signed at least one of them, on astrology, out), she wants it all on the new shelves...get rid of that wooden shelving (it's original to the school--I remember it)...and that will open up an actual proper seating area in the library. I'm pretty sure B will agree to it.
PD told me that B had commented to her that he really liked what I've done with the library at School A (he was VP there 7 or 8 years ago and has been in since for inservices). I've had a few of the regular substitutes comment on how much nicer the library looks now. I opened it right up, got all the book shelves/mag racks out of the middle of the floor. I really wish we'd gotten B as our principal there--he seems like a really sweet guy--as PD says a "teddy bear". He's an effective admin without being a total dickhead. Which is always a bonus. PD was worried about how some of the teachers might take her changes; I told her not to let it bother her. It's her library now (and unlike our union, I don't believe the fairy tale that these changes are just for this year) and even if we did go back to one LT per school and the other one came back, well... It's PD's library right now. And the changes she wants to make are only going to improve the library.
At lunch I took PD to School B to show her what I'd inherited and then to School A as she hadn't seen it since I'd made the last of the major changes... she avoided being seen by PHP II who is her former VP. I went to PD's for supper and we hung out for the evening, dicussing library things. LOL Alll in all a good day.
helping at pd's school,
school a,
school b
24 September 2012
She remembers bridges, burns them to the ground
I mentioned piercings in my last post. Up until about 2 and half years ago, I had three normal lobe piercings on each side. The first (bottom) set done when I was in grade 7 (~13 years old), the second in grade 9 (~15) and the third, top holes when I as around 24/25 years old.
And your blood's depleted to the point of stable glue
Not a usual work day for me, I have Mondays off, but wish I didn't. I went into school B (thus confusing the heck out of a lot of folks...lol). Went over to PD's elementary school around 9 a.m. In her first class was a girl who'd been at my School A--I couldn't remember her name, but she told me. Later PD told this girl had told HER that she didn't have nearly as many piercings as I do (and she doesn't). Hmm, I should talk about those, but in a seperate post.
I was looking at PD's library to see what needs to be changed around or what can be changed around...and discovered that on all the tall shelving which has fic and then non-fic, when you're facing from where you walk down into the stacks from the other part of the library (ie the "front"), the shelf ranges are backwards, starts on the right, goes to left. If you're at the BACK of the library they're in the right order. *headdesk* This has to be changed--I was doing some shelving for her, and kept going in the wrong direction.
The books are classified with pb, jr non fic, jr fic, fic and non fic. I think she's gonna go with colour coded labels (you can buy opaque ones)...much as I do--that way no need for seperate classifications, just shelve the colours together. It works.
After she was doen there, I went back to school B, had my lunch and then moved the old books from the "reference" section to other empty shelves to be sliced up for discard later. My favourite find, so far, has been a road atlass of Europe...©1971 (a good year, if I do say so myself)...I'm sure none of the roads have changed nor have new roads been added. /sarcasm
Also got all the french collection into one bay--and only discarded a couple dozen books; hoping the french immersion teacher won't notice that part. This means I can start moving the non fiction--weeding as I go. I may hold onto stuff for a year until I'm sure it's not needed...or I may not. Once that's done, then I'm splitting up the picture books and chapter books, again, weeding as I go and I may rearrange the tables and such so that the little ones can have a reading area on the floor near their books. And I'll be rid of the those bloody step ladders the kids use. Well the french immersion kid'll still have to use them, but there's only 9 of and they're in grades 4/5.
So much work, so little time. BUT with the non fic and others I'm moving, I can do that a shelf at a time, now that the french is moved.
I don't think I mentioned it, but i have fucking wooden shelving at the is school I had wooden shelving cus the shelves are adjustable and never meet the side of the shelving unit, so books fall down unless you have the right style of bookends--which I do. Now that I stile them all from School A--which has all metal shelving with slotted in bookends, thus no need for the other type. AND there are two sizes of wooden shelves, one is slightly longer and wider than the others. *sigh*
Will be going over to PD's elem school this friday (around 10:30, she has to go to her middle school first) to help her move the furniture around at least.
I was looking at PD's library to see what needs to be changed around or what can be changed around...and discovered that on all the tall shelving which has fic and then non-fic, when you're facing from where you walk down into the stacks from the other part of the library (ie the "front"), the shelf ranges are backwards, starts on the right, goes to left. If you're at the BACK of the library they're in the right order. *headdesk* This has to be changed--I was doing some shelving for her, and kept going in the wrong direction.
The books are classified with pb, jr non fic, jr fic, fic and non fic. I think she's gonna go with colour coded labels (you can buy opaque ones)...much as I do--that way no need for seperate classifications, just shelve the colours together. It works.
After she was doen there, I went back to school B, had my lunch and then moved the old books from the "reference" section to other empty shelves to be sliced up for discard later. My favourite find, so far, has been a road atlass of Europe...©1971 (a good year, if I do say so myself)...I'm sure none of the roads have changed nor have new roads been added. /sarcasm
Also got all the french collection into one bay--and only discarded a couple dozen books; hoping the french immersion teacher won't notice that part. This means I can start moving the non fiction--weeding as I go. I may hold onto stuff for a year until I'm sure it's not needed...or I may not. Once that's done, then I'm splitting up the picture books and chapter books, again, weeding as I go and I may rearrange the tables and such so that the little ones can have a reading area on the floor near their books. And I'll be rid of the those bloody step ladders the kids use. Well the french immersion kid'll still have to use them, but there's only 9 of and they're in grades 4/5.
So much work, so little time. BUT with the non fic and others I'm moving, I can do that a shelf at a time, now that the french is moved.
I don't think I mentioned it, but i have fucking wooden shelving at the is school I had wooden shelving cus the shelves are adjustable and never meet the side of the shelving unit, so books fall down unless you have the right style of bookends--which I do. Now that I stile them all from School A--which has all metal shelving with slotted in bookends, thus no need for the other type. AND there are two sizes of wooden shelves, one is slightly longer and wider than the others. *sigh*
Will be going over to PD's elem school this friday (around 10:30, she has to go to her middle school first) to help her move the furniture around at least.
21 September 2012
I'm telling you she knows where it's at
Well, I can finally has music on my iMac. When DT stopped in this a.m. (mostly to add ram to ye old emac so it'd run a newer word version slightly better) he basically told me iTunes was a lost cause. I wasn't heart broken or anything; yeah, I like iTunes, in fact it's my player of choice on ALL MY WINDOWS BASED PCs. Yet, amusingly enough, I CAN'T USE IT ON AN iMAC. *cue laughter*
I'm using VLC player--it plays using a playlist and will play vids as well. First version I tried was too new, so I found an older version and that worked. Ah, sweet music. Fucking finally.
Told DT I thought the way programs are installed was stupid. He defended it. I realised later that I don't find the process intuitive as I do with WIN (prolly cus I've used them more, but still). There's nothing in the disk utility window that TELLS you to double click on what you want to "mount" on the HD. I just see buttons and descriptions about fixing your HD or erasing shit. (Seriously, mounting software...hardware that word makes sense, not for software. but macs, what can you do.)
Had to laugh, DT said that he gets pissy with anyone who asks about burning software for the mac. He tells them to just put the damned disk in. Sooooo.... guess what I'm a gonna ask him next time I see him. He makes it too easy sometimes.
Also discovered that until you delete something from the trash, the memory isn't freed up. Even on a fucking flash drive. Now THAT is really stupid. With WIN, it goes tot he trash, you can use the memory....*argh* I'm lucky I've got DT as my tech....for more than one reason.
Saw SR at School A this afternoon, finally coming in to fucking fix things--he was getting the lab comps and printer finished up when I left. I got after him for not doing stuff for PD--he feigned innocence. And his youngest boy is in grade 6 now! I remember when he was in primary (heck I remember when SR's oldest boy was in primary). All three of his boys went to Sham, so I was their LT up until four years ago, when I left for School A.
Tis late, I should go check tumblr and perhaps head to bed; I'm tired.
I'm using VLC player--it plays using a playlist and will play vids as well. First version I tried was too new, so I found an older version and that worked. Ah, sweet music. Fucking finally.
Told DT I thought the way programs are installed was stupid. He defended it. I realised later that I don't find the process intuitive as I do with WIN (prolly cus I've used them more, but still). There's nothing in the disk utility window that TELLS you to double click on what you want to "mount" on the HD. I just see buttons and descriptions about fixing your HD or erasing shit. (Seriously, mounting software...hardware that word makes sense, not for software. but macs, what can you do.)
Had to laugh, DT said that he gets pissy with anyone who asks about burning software for the mac. He tells them to just put the damned disk in. Sooooo.... guess what I'm a gonna ask him next time I see him. He makes it too easy sometimes.
Also discovered that until you delete something from the trash, the memory isn't freed up. Even on a fucking flash drive. Now THAT is really stupid. With WIN, it goes tot he trash, you can use the memory....*argh* I'm lucky I've got DT as my tech....for more than one reason.
Saw SR at School A this afternoon, finally coming in to fucking fix things--he was getting the lab comps and printer finished up when I left. I got after him for not doing stuff for PD--he feigned innocence. And his youngest boy is in grade 6 now! I remember when he was in primary (heck I remember when SR's oldest boy was in primary). All three of his boys went to Sham, so I was their LT up until four years ago, when I left for School A.
Tis late, I should go check tumblr and perhaps head to bed; I'm tired.
adventures in iMac land,
best tech ever,
school a,
school b,
20 September 2012
You want to tell someone but you got to be discreet
I hate macs. I really do. I want iTunes on my iMac at school B. I can't have the latest version cus my OS is just slightly too old. So, DT said I could d/l and install an older version, at least until he upgrades my OS, which I think he said would be the Fluffy the Housecat OS. (Okay, he might've really said something like snowy leopard; wtf is it with apple and cat names? they need to fuck off.) I'd asked DT before he left if I had to worry about quicktime. He said it didn't matter.
So, I finally find 9.2.1 of itunes. I d/l it and it takes me to disk utility to install it. Dear DT: this is nothing like windows installations; that doesn't take me to something that could fuck my whole computer. I finally figure out how to isntall the goddamn thing. Yay. I double click on it....and it fucking tells me I need quicktime 7.5.5.....*headdesk*
By this point, DT is gone for the day; I'm suspecting more than itunes relies on QT; I don't wanna update it and fuck everything....that's DT's job. Anyhow I emailed him about it; he didn't get back to me, but I'll also see him tomorrow morning.
Yanno, I just. want. to. listen. to my MUSIC. I mean seriously, macs suck donkey balls. If this were a win machine, I'd've had itunes up and running last week. i think the C-64s from my v. first school I worked at are better than this piece of fucking shit.
ARGH. DT please fix it for me. PLEASE.... *crawls off to sit in corner and whimper*
So, I finally find 9.2.1 of itunes. I d/l it and it takes me to disk utility to install it. Dear DT: this is nothing like windows installations; that doesn't take me to something that could fuck my whole computer. I finally figure out how to isntall the goddamn thing. Yay. I double click on it....and it fucking tells me I need quicktime 7.5.5.....*headdesk*
By this point, DT is gone for the day; I'm suspecting more than itunes relies on QT; I don't wanna update it and fuck everything....that's DT's job. Anyhow I emailed him about it; he didn't get back to me, but I'll also see him tomorrow morning.
Yanno, I just. want. to. listen. to my MUSIC. I mean seriously, macs suck donkey balls. If this were a win machine, I'd've had itunes up and running last week. i think the C-64s from my v. first school I worked at are better than this piece of fucking shit.
ARGH. DT please fix it for me. PLEASE.... *crawls off to sit in corner and whimper*
19 September 2012
everybody was in it, for miles around
Haven't had much time to look at the book fair thing... tomorrow, I'm at school b and have a bit more time. DT got one thing fixed for me and I'm pretty sure he got the second done after I got him the password. He's so much more efficient than SR. (In fact, we've got over 20 items in our online help desk for SR to get to at school A; I finally complained to the PHPII today--we're down to 12 comps in the lab). If he's still out sick they need to send someone over, if he's not, he needs to get here to get things done. *grrr* Told PD today that I was gonna bug DT and say since he went over and helped at PD's elem school, he needs to come over to school A...while I'm there on Fri or Tues/Wed. LOL. I can imagine the response I'll get to THAT!
Got through OH&S meeting today--I'm the secretary AND the co-chair as no one else would do co-chair (I've done secretary almost every year/ohs team I've been on). *sigh* and the PHPII wants mouch more formal minutes than we're used to--more so than what I had at Sham. Oh, well, I'm modifying the template she sent me for the minutes, the format is horrendous. Stuff bolded and underlined. I'm surprised it wasn't italicised as well. *bah* Oh, well, I'll live.
The PHPII has said that on half days/inservice days, if I need to, I can go to school b. I'm sure there'll be some that I'll have to be at school A, which is fine. I'm getting a full day on the 28th (it's a full day in school b's county and half day at school A--yes, different counties, same board, different days off...there're only two of this affected by that)--which I'll spend part of at school B but I'm going to talk to L (principal there) and see if I can maybe spend half the day helping PD at Kton her elementary. She'll spend half her day helping me at school b. We're planning something similar for the prof dev day in Oct.
My volunteer C was in yesterday and today so all my shelving is done. I've barely had to do any shelving the last two years--she does it and ENJOYS it. I think that's weird since shelving is my least fave thing to do, but different strokes as they say.
Got through OH&S meeting today--I'm the secretary AND the co-chair as no one else would do co-chair (I've done secretary almost every year/ohs team I've been on). *sigh* and the PHPII wants mouch more formal minutes than we're used to--more so than what I had at Sham. Oh, well, I'm modifying the template she sent me for the minutes, the format is horrendous. Stuff bolded and underlined. I'm surprised it wasn't italicised as well. *bah* Oh, well, I'll live.
The PHPII has said that on half days/inservice days, if I need to, I can go to school b. I'm sure there'll be some that I'll have to be at school A, which is fine. I'm getting a full day on the 28th (it's a full day in school b's county and half day at school A--yes, different counties, same board, different days off...there're only two of this affected by that)--which I'll spend part of at school B but I'm going to talk to L (principal there) and see if I can maybe spend half the day helping PD at Kton her elementary. She'll spend half her day helping me at school b. We're planning something similar for the prof dev day in Oct.
My volunteer C was in yesterday and today so all my shelving is done. I've barely had to do any shelving the last two years--she does it and ENJOYS it. I think that's weird since shelving is my least fave thing to do, but different strokes as they say.
18 September 2012
is your daddy home, did he go and leave you all alone?
Been a couple days. I spent Monday trying to figure out how I'm going to hold to book fairs simultaneously at two schools. After swearing I wouldn't do it. The Feb book fairs are different weeks, one right after the other. Not AS bad.
If I can get C, my faithful and wonderful volunteer to cover the nighttime part of bookfair at school A, I can be at school B for that. During the day, I'd have to have parent volunteers. I'm going to have to talk to my admins--the ONLY way this will work is if I can have the freedom to go to each school as need be. I think I can get away with one day less at School B (less kids). Not looking forward to it, but we'll see. I hate book fairs with the passion of a 1000 burning suns. My rep is cunt, though I have to pretend like she isn't. (Yeah, how many customer service reps have YOU had to apologise to--and really, I wasn't that mean or rude. *sigh*)
Not sure if I've got it all figured out, but am close, I think.
Today I had an appt with the eye specialist--I have type 2 diabetes and am now insulin dependant. End of February I had DKA, ended up in ICU for a few days, about a week in the hospital overall. Anyways, I normally see Dr. T. once a year, but today he found the first signs of diabetic retinopathy in my eyes ever but he said it's very small but it is ia change, so I have to see him in 9 months. Which would be June, but I asked the receptionist if I could book in early July so I'd be out of school. And I got a morning appt.
I had to leave work early; they didn't get one of my fave five as my sub, but a woman who used to sub for me before I got my current volunteer, C. I got tired of getting this other woman as they'd always pull her as an EA sub. *sigh*
Other than that, not a lot going on. PD and I are going to try and coordinate some of our inservice days so I can help her at her elem and she can help me at school B. (She's never done elem before...) I asked PHP II and she's okay with me going to school B on inservice days--I told her I'd check with her before each as there may be some for school A I need to attend.
Had SAC (School advisory council) meeting tonight which went til 8:30....been a long day and I should really go to bed soon, I guess...
If I can get C, my faithful and wonderful volunteer to cover the nighttime part of bookfair at school A, I can be at school B for that. During the day, I'd have to have parent volunteers. I'm going to have to talk to my admins--the ONLY way this will work is if I can have the freedom to go to each school as need be. I think I can get away with one day less at School B (less kids). Not looking forward to it, but we'll see. I hate book fairs with the passion of a 1000 burning suns. My rep is cunt, though I have to pretend like she isn't. (Yeah, how many customer service reps have YOU had to apologise to--and really, I wasn't that mean or rude. *sigh*)
Not sure if I've got it all figured out, but am close, I think.
Today I had an appt with the eye specialist--I have type 2 diabetes and am now insulin dependant. End of February I had DKA, ended up in ICU for a few days, about a week in the hospital overall. Anyways, I normally see Dr. T. once a year, but today he found the first signs of diabetic retinopathy in my eyes ever but he said it's very small but it is ia change, so I have to see him in 9 months. Which would be June, but I asked the receptionist if I could book in early July so I'd be out of school. And I got a morning appt.
I had to leave work early; they didn't get one of my fave five as my sub, but a woman who used to sub for me before I got my current volunteer, C. I got tired of getting this other woman as they'd always pull her as an EA sub. *sigh*
Other than that, not a lot going on. PD and I are going to try and coordinate some of our inservice days so I can help her at her elem and she can help me at school B. (She's never done elem before...) I asked PHP II and she's okay with me going to school B on inservice days--I told her I'd check with her before each as there may be some for school A I need to attend.
Had SAC (School advisory council) meeting tonight which went til 8:30....been a long day and I should really go to bed soon, I guess...
bookfair is hell,
eye specialist
15 September 2012
This is quality
I say you can tell what a person is like from how they act, more so than what they say.
DT, my tech at School B proved that on Friday. I was talking to PD and she said DT was her tech on Friday at her second school--which is normally covered by MY other (and long time) tech SR. SR's been out sick all week and he'd left a lot of shit undone at that school; apparently DT himself complained about it. So, they told him to go and do it (now, yes, DT's wife is a secretary at that school, but she didn't need anything done!) and he did. By complaining, he'd made more work for himself, but he looked at all the work orders outstanding at the school and I'm sure it pissed him off.
As I said to PD today; I love SR dearly but the man is slower than frozen molasses going uphill in February. And he doesn't care about his job in the same way DT does... I think I'm correct in making DT my fave tech. As she said, I don't know how he keeps his job. Prolly cus he can justify why everything takes so long. That's why, when the lab comps at School A weren't hooked up, I had the principal put the tech request through; I KNOW he won't ignore her. Or he's less likely too. Plus, he doesn't like macs, so doing stuff at PD's library means touching macs.
I'm so very tempted to tell him I want an iMac at School A now. Oh, god, I wonder if DT would let me borrow my iMac from School B when I leave on Friday and take it to School A--and I'd put a work order in to get SR over to see me right away....and have the mac set up....ahahahaha. Tell him I can't connect to the server now and need to so I can back up. I'd have to make sure it was a week he wasn't sick. Oh, I wonder if DT would let me do that? I am so fucking evil.... Oh, god, even worse, show up with my old EMAC. I am so very devious. Oh, email him and tell him I'm having problems--everything on my screen looks different...heehee. He would fucking kill me but it would be worth it.....
I really should become an evil genius and take over the world....
DT, my tech at School B proved that on Friday. I was talking to PD and she said DT was her tech on Friday at her second school--which is normally covered by MY other (and long time) tech SR. SR's been out sick all week and he'd left a lot of shit undone at that school; apparently DT himself complained about it. So, they told him to go and do it (now, yes, DT's wife is a secretary at that school, but she didn't need anything done!) and he did. By complaining, he'd made more work for himself, but he looked at all the work orders outstanding at the school and I'm sure it pissed him off.
As I said to PD today; I love SR dearly but the man is slower than frozen molasses going uphill in February. And he doesn't care about his job in the same way DT does... I think I'm correct in making DT my fave tech. As she said, I don't know how he keeps his job. Prolly cus he can justify why everything takes so long. That's why, when the lab comps at School A weren't hooked up, I had the principal put the tech request through; I KNOW he won't ignore her. Or he's less likely too. Plus, he doesn't like macs, so doing stuff at PD's library means touching macs.
I'm so very tempted to tell him I want an iMac at School A now. Oh, god, I wonder if DT would let me borrow my iMac from School B when I leave on Friday and take it to School A--and I'd put a work order in to get SR over to see me right away....and have the mac set up....ahahahaha. Tell him I can't connect to the server now and need to so I can back up. I'd have to make sure it was a week he wasn't sick. Oh, I wonder if DT would let me do that? I am so fucking evil.... Oh, god, even worse, show up with my old EMAC. I am so very devious. Oh, email him and tell him I'm having problems--everything on my screen looks different...heehee. He would fucking kill me but it would be worth it.....
I really should become an evil genius and take over the world....
adventures in iMac land,
devious am I,
prank in the planning,
the boys chased the girls with the curls in their hair
I'm doing up my substitute plan--I do it every year--revise the classroom schedule. I also include a section on how to use Alexandria. I've got an appt this Tues--it's with the eye specialist and was set last year before I even knew how LTs would be treated by the board. And I can't change it easily. So for subs this year, we have to give preference to those LTs who got laid off last school year. We've an automated system for this, so my fave five are former LTs (while I understand this, it annoys me slightly cus I have a sub I've trained myself and who's worked for me for two years--also done tremendous work as a volunteer). Anyhow, my first choice is A, who worked in our board several years ago; she remarried and moved to Cali, she came back last year and started working at the board again. Bad timing, eh? Anyhow, I know she knows her shit.
Also found out the person I replaced at school B has her name on the sub list. I'm going to both my admins and saying that I do NOT want her subbing for me at either school, ever (if I'm sick and put in an absence the system doesn't follow the fave five...it can go to anyone). My reasons are a few fold: first of all, she's NOT a trained LT, she's barely a trained clerk; she's obviously NEVER done automated circ and she was really unprofessional when she left School B. She left me NOTHING about how she did things, where things were located, what she did for fundraising/bookfairs. I think I mentioned I didn't contact HER at the end of last school year cus I was warned by a few folks she was royally pissed; had she called me, I would've gone over to visit. So, no, I don't want her at School A and def not at School B--who knows, she might try to sabotage something. (Look, I'm an Aquarius with Scorpio rising; suspicious is second nature to me.)
Soooo... I'm typing up my sub plan and adding school B stuff, when I realise that I'll have to take a picture of the electrical panel in the library as THAT is where I have to turn my lights on. Yes, I have to flip circuit breakers to turn my lights on and off.... I'm taking a pic cus that's just easier than trying to write it all out. I can do arrows and stuff. I'll also have to do screen shots of the Mac cus some of the stuff on that is a bit different...like how to shut programs down. (Oh, no, don't let the x put you out of the program. You can do that but then you STILL have to go to the menu to close it out. Yeah, Macs are so much fucking better. Not.)
So, yeah, doing some work on the weekend.
Also found out the person I replaced at school B has her name on the sub list. I'm going to both my admins and saying that I do NOT want her subbing for me at either school, ever (if I'm sick and put in an absence the system doesn't follow the fave five...it can go to anyone). My reasons are a few fold: first of all, she's NOT a trained LT, she's barely a trained clerk; she's obviously NEVER done automated circ and she was really unprofessional when she left School B. She left me NOTHING about how she did things, where things were located, what she did for fundraising/bookfairs. I think I mentioned I didn't contact HER at the end of last school year cus I was warned by a few folks she was royally pissed; had she called me, I would've gone over to visit. So, no, I don't want her at School A and def not at School B--who knows, she might try to sabotage something. (Look, I'm an Aquarius with Scorpio rising; suspicious is second nature to me.)
Soooo... I'm typing up my sub plan and adding school B stuff, when I realise that I'll have to take a picture of the electrical panel in the library as THAT is where I have to turn my lights on. Yes, I have to flip circuit breakers to turn my lights on and off.... I'm taking a pic cus that's just easier than trying to write it all out. I can do arrows and stuff. I'll also have to do screen shots of the Mac cus some of the stuff on that is a bit different...like how to shut programs down. (Oh, no, don't let the x put you out of the program. You can do that but then you STILL have to go to the menu to close it out. Yeah, Macs are so much fucking better. Not.)
So, yeah, doing some work on the weekend.
14 September 2012
they draft white trash first 'round here anyway
Ah, Friday, sweet Friday. Morning went well at School B. Had to go over to the bookstore at the mall local to School B to pick a small book order for School A. I made sure I had PHP II's permission as I knew it would make me a bit later than what I was scheduled for. She was fine with it.
Anyhow, I got to School A, put my lunch in the fridge, dropped the books off at the office (and had the secretary tell me I shouldn't have used the library's book points. What do I care, it's books for the school. *shrug*). I go back in the library and as I walk by the door to the comp lab, I stop, and look again. One of the monitors was turned upside and leaning against the chalkboard behind it. I went in and stared it at for a few moments, with what I'm sure was a momentous WTF? look on my face. I wasn't sure what had happened, but figured the PHP II should know.
She's in the main office, so I say to her, "Um, I found one of the monitors upside down and leaning against the chalkboard..." PHP II: "Oh, that was me!" Me: *bwuh??* Her: "Oh, I went to use it and the display was upside down and I didn't know how to fix it, so I turned the monitor upside down." Me and everyone else in the office, including the secretaries: *bursts out laughing* She then tells me that she wants me to teach her how to fix it. So, I did. I also told everyone at lunch about it...and plan to tell PD and the tech guys.
So, yeah, highlight of my day.
Anyhow, I got to School A, put my lunch in the fridge, dropped the books off at the office (and had the secretary tell me I shouldn't have used the library's book points. What do I care, it's books for the school. *shrug*). I go back in the library and as I walk by the door to the comp lab, I stop, and look again. One of the monitors was turned upside and leaning against the chalkboard behind it. I went in and stared it at for a few moments, with what I'm sure was a momentous WTF? look on my face. I wasn't sure what had happened, but figured the PHP II should know.
She's in the main office, so I say to her, "Um, I found one of the monitors upside down and leaning against the chalkboard..." PHP II: "Oh, that was me!" Me: *bwuh??* Her: "Oh, I went to use it and the display was upside down and I didn't know how to fix it, so I turned the monitor upside down." Me and everyone else in the office, including the secretaries: *bursts out laughing* She then tells me that she wants me to teach her how to fix it. So, I did. I also told everyone at lunch about it...and plan to tell PD and the tech guys.
So, yeah, highlight of my day.
13 September 2012
first days with kids
So, this week were my first days with the kids. Went well at School A (tues/wed), though a few classes missed on Wed cus of a bus safety presentation. Although I always forget how BUSY it is with the primaries the first few library times. "Make sure the only book you take with you is the one you signed out with me." "You have to keep the book you signed out, don't put it back on the shelf," etc. You get the idea. They're cute but it's exhausting. By the end of the school year, they're so good at it, I forget. (Of course, PD's second school is the elementary across the way from her middle school, that she was at last year. And she's never worked elementary before. *evil laughter*).
Today were the majority of my School B classes, just two tomorrow morning. Primaries just as busy and I knew ONE student's name (cus she'd been at School A last year). But it's the first time they've had automated signout at the school and the kids love it. As do I. At one point, with the primary class, one student signed out a book another student had--I didn't think to check the name that came up to see if it was a primary in the class (live and learn). But we just had the first kid find another book and she was okay with it. The teacher told me that I was much calmer than the previous "librarian" would've been about it.
It's not a big deal. If they tell me they left on the shelf/table, I'll just sign it back in. No biggie--although more of an issue, if you're using, oh, say...book cards?
Got a bit of decorating done at B--the walls are painted, where you can see the entire wall, in horizontal stripes, colours from bottom to top: orange, green, red, yellow and blue. With blue around the rest of the top of the room (and anywhere you can see wall). Oi. I'm appropriating the bulletin board across the hall form the library for cultural type displays and possibly one slight further up the hallway. Since I'm the only down that end now.
I just have one more section of wall to decorate at A and I'm done there (I have a lot more wall space there). Also have to get some office supply requests into the secretary at school B tomorrow morning.
Well, I guess that's about it for tonight. It's late and I need to get some sleep...
Today were the majority of my School B classes, just two tomorrow morning. Primaries just as busy and I knew ONE student's name (cus she'd been at School A last year). But it's the first time they've had automated signout at the school and the kids love it. As do I. At one point, with the primary class, one student signed out a book another student had--I didn't think to check the name that came up to see if it was a primary in the class (live and learn). But we just had the first kid find another book and she was okay with it. The teacher told me that I was much calmer than the previous "librarian" would've been about it.
It's not a big deal. If they tell me they left on the shelf/table, I'll just sign it back in. No biggie--although more of an issue, if you're using, oh, say...book cards?
Got a bit of decorating done at B--the walls are painted, where you can see the entire wall, in horizontal stripes, colours from bottom to top: orange, green, red, yellow and blue. With blue around the rest of the top of the room (and anywhere you can see wall). Oi. I'm appropriating the bulletin board across the hall form the library for cultural type displays and possibly one slight further up the hallway. Since I'm the only down that end now.
I just have one more section of wall to decorate at A and I'm done there (I have a lot more wall space there). Also have to get some office supply requests into the secretary at school B tomorrow morning.
Well, I guess that's about it for tonight. It's late and I need to get some sleep...
your head feels twice the size
Getting so behind on this already!
My current sched has me at school A all day Tues and Wed and then Friday from 11:30 til 2:30 ish, including my lunch time. I'm at school B all day Thurs and Fri. morning.
I'd ask K when he was doing schedules last year, if he'd schedule the actual library times--he had the master sched and it was easier for him to do it as he could rearrange other things as need be--since it was a matter of scheduling 16 classes over two days (leaving me Fri afternoons to do library work). He'd asked me how I'd wanted my time structured--it's easier doing full days and given it's a 15 min drive between my two schools, cheaper. Anyhow, he set it up for me, and said, when it was done "There, I've done it for you, you big baby!" (Teasing me--in prior years I'd let the teachers pick their times and done up the sched).
I did my sched at School B with the teachers coming to see me--there's only 8 home rooms; half what I have at school a. Anyhow a bit more unscheduled time there, which I'm gonna need.
I didn't have classes the first week of school at either site. Which was good cus last Thursday, DT (my tech at school B) got me an imac--he asked when I wanted it. I said now? He said: Done. Then went upstairs and got it. We got Alex and other things I needed set up. Bless him--he's so much faster at stuff than SR. I still <3 SR, but he was supposed to upgrade my pc at school A to win7 over the summer. Never happened. Not shocked, I've worked with him for 12 or so years now and same as always. *sigh* He's a good tech just fucking slow. As I told PD--DT is my favourite tech now...not that I've broken the news to SR. *heh*
Anyhow, had a good chat with DT Thursday--him ranting about how things are done with/via the techs for the board and what he'd do differently if he was in charge. He's so funny--one of THE most laid back guys I've ever met (even more than SR) yet he gets so worked up over shit he cares about. I had a couple simple questions for him today--so I went upstairs to the Tech Cave (my name for it) and asked, but it would've been as easy to email. I asked him if he minded if I did email him--he said he doesn't care, go ahead. (I only ask cus not all techs like folks emailing them about stuff--we have an online help desk to submit things--but if it's a question, email's easier; SR lets me email him as well).
So, Thurs, at School B, I called Comp Corp who own Alexandria to get my codes for v.6 (licence/reg codes change with the update)...the rep said it wouldn't propogate on their servers for about 3 hours; told her this was fine as I wasn't going to update til the next day. Friday morning and I had my updated codes and d/l the installation file for Alex--but there was a line of instruction that I didn't quite get, so I was going to call their tech support, but got no answer (3 hr time diff, it was 7 for me, 4 a.m. for them tho it's 24 hour support). Anyhow DT showed up and he had no idea what they really meant (probably don't overwrite the previous install--it's a bloody mac). He was looking for Alex and saw that I'd dropped the program from the app window onto the desktop. Hee. DT was all "Why did you do that, you don't move programs like that on Windows, etc, etc"; I'm pissing myself laughing at this point--managed to sputter out "but I don't use macs" and "It still worked". hahaha. Yeah, still getting used to the dock thing.
So, we get Alex installed and she doesn't want to let me log in. I'd logged into V5 before I upgraded... DT can't figure out what's wrong, we try again, still didn't work; DT went back to the Tech Cave...I ended up calling Alex tech support--turns out that sometimes the login info doesn't transfer, so he gave me a backdoor pword (yanno what? DID NOT have this problem with Windows...). It worked and I was able to set up users again. Yay. Went upstairs to find DT to let him know it worked.
Then I discovered there was no iTunes. On an iMac. o.^ Couldn't d/l it either (DT doesn't believe me that it's because https sites are blocked, except for whitelisted sites--one of which he showed me that worked. I smirked rather muchly when he couldn't access the d/l even when he used Safari.) I told him, when I'd gone up to ask about it, that I was whiney and needy. He replied, "Only til you get what you need." I forgot to ask about the iTunes today til after he'd gone...so I emailed him tonight.
He really is one of the good guys (married, natch)--today on one of his many forays to and fro from his vehicle to upstairs, he poked his head in and asked if everything was okay. I said it was except I wanted a PC. He responded with sign language...I'm sure you can guess which one. Another reason to like him! LOL
Okay, this is getting long....there's a surprise. I'll talk about first days more in my next post.
My current sched has me at school A all day Tues and Wed and then Friday from 11:30 til 2:30 ish, including my lunch time. I'm at school B all day Thurs and Fri. morning.
I'd ask K when he was doing schedules last year, if he'd schedule the actual library times--he had the master sched and it was easier for him to do it as he could rearrange other things as need be--since it was a matter of scheduling 16 classes over two days (leaving me Fri afternoons to do library work). He'd asked me how I'd wanted my time structured--it's easier doing full days and given it's a 15 min drive between my two schools, cheaper. Anyhow, he set it up for me, and said, when it was done "There, I've done it for you, you big baby!" (Teasing me--in prior years I'd let the teachers pick their times and done up the sched).
I did my sched at School B with the teachers coming to see me--there's only 8 home rooms; half what I have at school a. Anyhow a bit more unscheduled time there, which I'm gonna need.
I didn't have classes the first week of school at either site. Which was good cus last Thursday, DT (my tech at school B) got me an imac--he asked when I wanted it. I said now? He said: Done. Then went upstairs and got it. We got Alex and other things I needed set up. Bless him--he's so much faster at stuff than SR. I still <3 SR, but he was supposed to upgrade my pc at school A to win7 over the summer. Never happened. Not shocked, I've worked with him for 12 or so years now and same as always. *sigh* He's a good tech just fucking slow. As I told PD--DT is my favourite tech now...not that I've broken the news to SR. *heh*
Anyhow, had a good chat with DT Thursday--him ranting about how things are done with/via the techs for the board and what he'd do differently if he was in charge. He's so funny--one of THE most laid back guys I've ever met (even more than SR) yet he gets so worked up over shit he cares about. I had a couple simple questions for him today--so I went upstairs to the Tech Cave (my name for it) and asked, but it would've been as easy to email. I asked him if he minded if I did email him--he said he doesn't care, go ahead. (I only ask cus not all techs like folks emailing them about stuff--we have an online help desk to submit things--but if it's a question, email's easier; SR lets me email him as well).
So, Thurs, at School B, I called Comp Corp who own Alexandria to get my codes for v.6 (licence/reg codes change with the update)...the rep said it wouldn't propogate on their servers for about 3 hours; told her this was fine as I wasn't going to update til the next day. Friday morning and I had my updated codes and d/l the installation file for Alex--but there was a line of instruction that I didn't quite get, so I was going to call their tech support, but got no answer (3 hr time diff, it was 7 for me, 4 a.m. for them tho it's 24 hour support). Anyhow DT showed up and he had no idea what they really meant (probably don't overwrite the previous install--it's a bloody mac). He was looking for Alex and saw that I'd dropped the program from the app window onto the desktop. Hee. DT was all "Why did you do that, you don't move programs like that on Windows, etc, etc"; I'm pissing myself laughing at this point--managed to sputter out "but I don't use macs" and "It still worked". hahaha. Yeah, still getting used to the dock thing.
So, we get Alex installed and she doesn't want to let me log in. I'd logged into V5 before I upgraded... DT can't figure out what's wrong, we try again, still didn't work; DT went back to the Tech Cave...I ended up calling Alex tech support--turns out that sometimes the login info doesn't transfer, so he gave me a backdoor pword (yanno what? DID NOT have this problem with Windows...). It worked and I was able to set up users again. Yay. Went upstairs to find DT to let him know it worked.
Then I discovered there was no iTunes. On an iMac. o.^ Couldn't d/l it either (DT doesn't believe me that it's because https sites are blocked, except for whitelisted sites--one of which he showed me that worked. I smirked rather muchly when he couldn't access the d/l even when he used Safari.) I told him, when I'd gone up to ask about it, that I was whiney and needy. He replied, "Only til you get what you need." I forgot to ask about the iTunes today til after he'd gone...so I emailed him tonight.
He really is one of the good guys (married, natch)--today on one of his many forays to and fro from his vehicle to upstairs, he poked his head in and asked if everything was okay. I said it was except I wanted a PC. He responded with sign language...I'm sure you can guess which one. Another reason to like him! LOL
Okay, this is getting long....there's a surprise. I'll talk about first days more in my next post.
11 September 2012
Catching up part III
As I mentioned at the end of my last post. Changes. We can has them. Rather unfortunately. (And yes, laundry is dried and put away. go me).
Last school year, K announced his retirement. And much sadness fell upon the land...well, for many of us at School A--some of whom had worked with him for years and basically followed him from school to school. (Had I known how much I'd enjoy working with him, I might've tried that sooner!). So, he didn't officially retire until the end of June, but his replacement was found and announced early that month. We knew of people who were applying/might apply. My friend, PD's VP was one of them. I'll refer to her as PHP II (to differentiate her from PHP whom I had at Sham for four or so years, which was six too many). There was a guy who'd been VP at School A before and everyone at the school whom I respected wanted him to get the job.
So, the day of the announcment arrives; normally the principal tells the staff, but K was out for minor sugery, so it fell on our VP S, to do so. It was in the morning before classes...we gathered in the staff room and waited for her to tell us.
"I'm pleased to announce that our new principal is PHP II". You could've heard a pin drop, it was so quiet in that room. We all knew we were screwed. (PHP II had also been VP at school A a few years ago....) Poor S, she rambled on and said she'd email PHP II welcoming her to our school. See I knew we were screwed because I'd listened to PD tell exactly how the PHP II had treated her, the support staff and some of the teaching staff for the last six years as the VP at her school. She only let up on PD when PD's son ended up needing a heart transplant.
So, after the initial shock wore off, I went to the phone in the book room (more private) to call PD at home and tell her (her school goes in an hour later than ours); her hubby answered and asked if everything was alright. I said it was...then told PD the good news. Good for her, not for us. She told me later that she was so happy she'd been singing int he shower, but her hubby told her to stop it as she was scaring their children.
I will say things have been going along okay so far--PHP II is being nice to me (I almost hate it, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop) and she hasn't really done anything to really piss anyone off. She did schedule me for end of the day stairwell duty but I went to the VP about it because a)I'm not a teacher and that's teacher supe time b)I've had my hours cut back and you're adding something to it and c) I wasn't asked OR told, I read it in the emailed sched that came out. Anyhow, rather surprisingly to me, PHP II didn't have a hissy or get angry at me; one of the resource teachers will do it--though I did offer to cover for her if need be, which PHP II seemed to appreciate.
It's a good thing I'm a woman and used to/good at faking it.... or I'd be in big trouble....lol
Last school year, K announced his retirement. And much sadness fell upon the land...well, for many of us at School A--some of whom had worked with him for years and basically followed him from school to school. (Had I known how much I'd enjoy working with him, I might've tried that sooner!). So, he didn't officially retire until the end of June, but his replacement was found and announced early that month. We knew of people who were applying/might apply. My friend, PD's VP was one of them. I'll refer to her as PHP II (to differentiate her from PHP whom I had at Sham for four or so years, which was six too many). There was a guy who'd been VP at School A before and everyone at the school whom I respected wanted him to get the job.
So, the day of the announcment arrives; normally the principal tells the staff, but K was out for minor sugery, so it fell on our VP S, to do so. It was in the morning before classes...we gathered in the staff room and waited for her to tell us.
"I'm pleased to announce that our new principal is PHP II". You could've heard a pin drop, it was so quiet in that room. We all knew we were screwed. (PHP II had also been VP at school A a few years ago....) Poor S, she rambled on and said she'd email PHP II welcoming her to our school. See I knew we were screwed because I'd listened to PD tell exactly how the PHP II had treated her, the support staff and some of the teaching staff for the last six years as the VP at her school. She only let up on PD when PD's son ended up needing a heart transplant.
So, after the initial shock wore off, I went to the phone in the book room (more private) to call PD at home and tell her (her school goes in an hour later than ours); her hubby answered and asked if everything was alright. I said it was...then told PD the good news. Good for her, not for us. She told me later that she was so happy she'd been singing int he shower, but her hubby told her to stop it as she was scaring their children.
I will say things have been going along okay so far--PHP II is being nice to me (I almost hate it, I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop) and she hasn't really done anything to really piss anyone off. She did schedule me for end of the day stairwell duty but I went to the VP about it because a)I'm not a teacher and that's teacher supe time b)I've had my hours cut back and you're adding something to it and c) I wasn't asked OR told, I read it in the emailed sched that came out. Anyhow, rather surprisingly to me, PHP II didn't have a hissy or get angry at me; one of the resource teachers will do it--though I did offer to cover for her if need be, which PHP II seemed to appreciate.
It's a good thing I'm a woman and used to/good at faking it.... or I'd be in big trouble....lol
10 September 2012
Catching up, part deux
Whilst I wait for the washer to finish so that I can lug a couple loads of laundry to the laundromat to dry...I'll talk a bit about School A.
This is my fourth year at this school--I'd been at my previous school....we'll call it Sham, for 9 years. having started there when it opened in 2000--and I'd only left because with declining enrollment, my hours had gone from 6/day to 4/day (and I was working p/t at a call centre--horrible work but I met some awesome people). School A became available when the LT there decided to retire. I put in for the transfer and because I was the most senior to apply for it, I got the job. (Yes, we are unionised.)
The principal at School A, K, was a man I'd known from my High School--he'd taught English and then after I'd graduated, became a VP. So, once it was confirmed the position was mine, I was asked to call him as a courtesy--which I did. Amazingly enough he remembered me from HS, though he'd never taught me nor had me in his class for a spare. (My last name is unique for the area--ie my family are the only ones around with it, plus my parents had owned a convenience store nearby--everyone knew that. I swear I wasn't a bad kid.) Anyhow, talked with K, then went to visit the school for their end of year staff meeting. That allowed me to talk to the retiring LT about things, too.
A few days after school ended, I was at my house/pet sitting gig (an EA I worked with at Sham and her hubby who happens to be the CFO for the school board; they're lovely folks, both of them), when K called to say he was thinking of rearranging the library but figured I might want some input. I laughed, said yes and we arranged for a day for me to come up and look around, then talk to K (he and the VP, S, were doing interviews).
The previous LT had had shelves blocking her into her desk, you couldn't see the kids if you turned around. Even though she could've been automated, she still did book card sign out, and kept a huge desk in the middle of the floor for that...and a few other things. Anyhow, whilst K & S did their interviews, I looked around, noted what I would change. When K came over, turns out what I wanted to do was pretty much what he'd planned on doing--even a bit more. So, both of us were happy. I told him I planned to be fully automated--I'd been so at Sham, wasn't going to change here. He liked that idea; in fact, when S came over, he looked at her and said, "Good news! We're moving into the 21st century, no more book cards!"
Oh, the work to be done in that library. In weeding the collection on the shelves, I took ~6000 books out of circulation (my favourite example: a book, ©1957 about the Malasite INDIANS of NB. Yeah.) Plus there were two magazine racks (big metal ones with slanting slide down shelves, 5 shelves per) that were packed full of donated books. Didn't track how many thousands I got rid of there. By my second year, I ended up with a great volunteer and between us, by the end of last year, I'd gotten through the worst of the mess and moved even more stuff around to make the library nice and open looking. I've only gotten compliments on what I've done with it. K LOVED it. I even had one of the regular subs (PD's former principal--he retired), comment on it "The library looks SO much nicer now, so open."
Anyhow, I came to adore K--not everyone, esp parents did. But that's because he thought he was right most of the time (and he was--and if he was wrong, he'd own up to it) and had no trouble telling students OR parents what was what. When kids were sent to the office, they didn't get a treat if they'd misbehaved (as they had at Sham). I think what sold me on him initially, was the day that first oct/nov; I was working away in my library, when K came over the PA, announcing that a small blue plastic hockey stick had been lost upstairs--could teachers check students' bags and if it was found, to send the perpetrator to the office. I literally stared, open mouthed at the PA in my room--the word perpatrator would never have been used at Sham.
Okay, wash is finished... this will be con't ... later. Cus we've had some ch-ch-changes.
This is my fourth year at this school--I'd been at my previous school....we'll call it Sham, for 9 years. having started there when it opened in 2000--and I'd only left because with declining enrollment, my hours had gone from 6/day to 4/day (and I was working p/t at a call centre--horrible work but I met some awesome people). School A became available when the LT there decided to retire. I put in for the transfer and because I was the most senior to apply for it, I got the job. (Yes, we are unionised.)
The principal at School A, K, was a man I'd known from my High School--he'd taught English and then after I'd graduated, became a VP. So, once it was confirmed the position was mine, I was asked to call him as a courtesy--which I did. Amazingly enough he remembered me from HS, though he'd never taught me nor had me in his class for a spare. (My last name is unique for the area--ie my family are the only ones around with it, plus my parents had owned a convenience store nearby--everyone knew that. I swear I wasn't a bad kid.) Anyhow, talked with K, then went to visit the school for their end of year staff meeting. That allowed me to talk to the retiring LT about things, too.
A few days after school ended, I was at my house/pet sitting gig (an EA I worked with at Sham and her hubby who happens to be the CFO for the school board; they're lovely folks, both of them), when K called to say he was thinking of rearranging the library but figured I might want some input. I laughed, said yes and we arranged for a day for me to come up and look around, then talk to K (he and the VP, S, were doing interviews).
The previous LT had had shelves blocking her into her desk, you couldn't see the kids if you turned around. Even though she could've been automated, she still did book card sign out, and kept a huge desk in the middle of the floor for that...and a few other things. Anyhow, whilst K & S did their interviews, I looked around, noted what I would change. When K came over, turns out what I wanted to do was pretty much what he'd planned on doing--even a bit more. So, both of us were happy. I told him I planned to be fully automated--I'd been so at Sham, wasn't going to change here. He liked that idea; in fact, when S came over, he looked at her and said, "Good news! We're moving into the 21st century, no more book cards!"
Oh, the work to be done in that library. In weeding the collection on the shelves, I took ~6000 books out of circulation (my favourite example: a book, ©1957 about the Malasite INDIANS of NB. Yeah.) Plus there were two magazine racks (big metal ones with slanting slide down shelves, 5 shelves per) that were packed full of donated books. Didn't track how many thousands I got rid of there. By my second year, I ended up with a great volunteer and between us, by the end of last year, I'd gotten through the worst of the mess and moved even more stuff around to make the library nice and open looking. I've only gotten compliments on what I've done with it. K LOVED it. I even had one of the regular subs (PD's former principal--he retired), comment on it "The library looks SO much nicer now, so open."
Anyhow, I came to adore K--not everyone, esp parents did. But that's because he thought he was right most of the time (and he was--and if he was wrong, he'd own up to it) and had no trouble telling students OR parents what was what. When kids were sent to the office, they didn't get a treat if they'd misbehaved (as they had at Sham). I think what sold me on him initially, was the day that first oct/nov; I was working away in my library, when K came over the PA, announcing that a small blue plastic hockey stick had been lost upstairs--could teachers check students' bags and if it was found, to send the perpetrator to the office. I literally stared, open mouthed at the PA in my room--the word perpatrator would never have been used at Sham.
Okay, wash is finished... this will be con't ... later. Cus we've had some ch-ch-changes.
best principal ever,
catching up,
mr k,
ms s,
school a
Catching up
I don't get paid until the first day of school but am usually in to work the week before to get ready--student recs exported by the secretary and imported by me into my library program (which is Alexandria, Alex for short). Library decorating done, any schedule changes done and finalised. This year I also wanted to go to School B--I'd known I'd be there since May, however the then principal (currently on a year's deferred leave) didn't contact me to come visit and because I'd been warned by my best friend (PD, also an LT in the same board--though she used to be just at a MS, she's now got an elementary added) and now former Principal, K, at School A, that the Library clerk at School B was very angry and bitter about things, I didn't bother trying to go visit before August.
Went over and met the new to me and new to the school principal L and the secretary, B, both of whom seem very nice. Then I walked down the loooonnnnggg hallway to the library (there are no classrooms nearby--two former classrooms are now storage for the school board and there's the day care and janitor's office; I feel rather isolated....). When I walked in, I almost cried because there, sitting on the desk was not one, but two bloody eMacs. I am totally a PC person. The library clerk left little to nothing for me about her library--not even a subfile saying how she'd done library classes. Didn't know the passwords for the computer, but luckily the janitor did--and then I realised the pword was taped to the monitors--well the computers since they're one piece.
Anyhow, the one emac was running OSX, while the other one, which had Alex on it was on 9.2. *twitch* I emailed my tech, SR, from School A as he was supposed to be my tech at School B as well--asking him where the PC he'd told me would be here was and that I my sanity wouldn't last til xmas if I had to use emacs. (I've used macs briefly over the years--I hate the one button mice--I keep trying to right click. *headdesk*) I found out a bit later that SR was not the tech at School B anymore. Having had to work with a couple of real dicks for techs, I hesitantly asked the teacher who our new tech was. She said it was DT, whom I've known for years and really like. He'd been PD's tech at her MS for several eyars and that's how I'd met him. He's a mac tech (unlike many of the techs who act like they'll catch on fire if they have to use/fix a mac--SR is included in that list) and knows PCs as well. Our school is his only school--otherwise he and another tech are specialists for sound systems, PA systems, video systems, etc. They're based out of School B--so DT isour tech, then he and his coworker head out to do whatever they're needed for that day.
Anyhow, looked around the library--she'd intershelved all the picture books with the fiction, the spine labels are handwritten! (with TWO printers in the library) and the barcodes are on the front of the book--but not in the same spot--they can be anywhere on the bottom half of the front cover. *sigh* And then I looked at Alex--her cataloguing is atrocious and doesn't follow the rules, but I guess when someone's not actually trained, you get what you pay for. Granted, it pales in comparison to what I faced, junk wise at School A when I started there four years ago, but still. *sigh*
Next to nothing for display materials, again a library without an office (might've had one but it's now the math manipulatives/lamenting room)...no phone, again. If I need something have to use the PA system. If I need to make a call, the janitor has said I can use the one in her office, elsewise it's a long walk to the "fishbowl"--so called because the wall to the hall is basically all windows. No idea what purpose it originally served (School B was built in 1962). Also discovered the gymnasium is named for a young man who was a year or so ahead of me at HS and who was killed after a freak hockey accident. He fell into the boards (pretty sure he wasn't checked, though I could be wrong) and the way he hit, it broke his neck; he lingered for a bit, but there was no hope for him. He wasn't a close friend of mine--I more knew of him than anything. Still kinda freaky seeing the gym named for him.
So, that was School B. More about that and School A in another post.
Went over and met the new to me and new to the school principal L and the secretary, B, both of whom seem very nice. Then I walked down the loooonnnnggg hallway to the library (there are no classrooms nearby--two former classrooms are now storage for the school board and there's the day care and janitor's office; I feel rather isolated....). When I walked in, I almost cried because there, sitting on the desk was not one, but two bloody eMacs. I am totally a PC person. The library clerk left little to nothing for me about her library--not even a subfile saying how she'd done library classes. Didn't know the passwords for the computer, but luckily the janitor did--and then I realised the pword was taped to the monitors--well the computers since they're one piece.
Anyhow, the one emac was running OSX, while the other one, which had Alex on it was on 9.2. *twitch* I emailed my tech, SR, from School A as he was supposed to be my tech at School B as well--asking him where the PC he'd told me would be here was and that I my sanity wouldn't last til xmas if I had to use emacs. (I've used macs briefly over the years--I hate the one button mice--I keep trying to right click. *headdesk*) I found out a bit later that SR was not the tech at School B anymore. Having had to work with a couple of real dicks for techs, I hesitantly asked the teacher who our new tech was. She said it was DT, whom I've known for years and really like. He'd been PD's tech at her MS for several eyars and that's how I'd met him. He's a mac tech (unlike many of the techs who act like they'll catch on fire if they have to use/fix a mac--SR is included in that list) and knows PCs as well. Our school is his only school--otherwise he and another tech are specialists for sound systems, PA systems, video systems, etc. They're based out of School B--so DT isour tech, then he and his coworker head out to do whatever they're needed for that day.
Anyhow, looked around the library--she'd intershelved all the picture books with the fiction, the spine labels are handwritten! (with TWO printers in the library) and the barcodes are on the front of the book--but not in the same spot--they can be anywhere on the bottom half of the front cover. *sigh* And then I looked at Alex--her cataloguing is atrocious and doesn't follow the rules, but I guess when someone's not actually trained, you get what you pay for. Granted, it pales in comparison to what I faced, junk wise at School A when I started there four years ago, but still. *sigh*
Next to nothing for display materials, again a library without an office (might've had one but it's now the math manipulatives/lamenting room)...no phone, again. If I need something have to use the PA system. If I need to make a call, the janitor has said I can use the one in her office, elsewise it's a long walk to the "fishbowl"--so called because the wall to the hall is basically all windows. No idea what purpose it originally served (School B was built in 1962). Also discovered the gymnasium is named for a young man who was a year or so ahead of me at HS and who was killed after a freak hockey accident. He fell into the boards (pretty sure he wasn't checked, though I could be wrong) and the way he hit, it broke his neck; he lingered for a bit, but there was no hope for him. He wasn't a close friend of mine--I more knew of him than anything. Still kinda freaky seeing the gym named for him.
So, that was School B. More about that and School A in another post.
Haven't used this for a few years
I'm going to try and keep this blog up and running. I plan for it to mostly be about work; yes, there will probably be some venting now and again. Railing against the system or myself or others.... I will do my best to keep it pro--no one will be referred to by their real names (Or as one of my former teachers always put it, "Names have been changed to protect the guilty"--which will apply in some cases.). I shall try to avoid mentioning specifics about any of my students--if I tell a story it will be in the most generic of terms....
I am a very fannish person, but other than the occasional squee about a new show or one of my faves (and possibly posts of some guys I consider hotties), I'm really going to try and keep this blog work related. I have other places to be fannish...but I'm not linking to them here. I have no desire for my fannish life and my work/personal lives to intersect.
So background--I know in my user info it's hard to see but that's 22.5 hrs per week to run two school libraries (not 225). I live in a rural area of NS Canada; both of my schools are in large villages/towns; School A at which I have 15 hrs per week, is the larger of the two (and what I consider my home school as it's where I was last year before the changes--more on that later) with ~400 students in P to 5. School B is actually in the village I grew up in, however I didn't attend this school as at the time, it was only for DND dependents who lived in the PMQs. Now, however, it only has ~150 students, also P to 5. The school board has said they're going to look at the boundaries and I hope they do as the boundaries school B shares with the school in the next village over are ridiculous.
Last year, I had a 30 hour/week position at school A (which was considered full time). The provincinal gov't here has been cutting back and cutting back and cutting back on education and health care severely. The next board over initially had all their library staff laid off (they only brought back MS and HS folk). Here? The solution was to cut all library positions (most of us being LTs with a few untrained-but-grandmothered-into-our-contract workers) by 50%. Then they'd pair two schools up and we'd be reassigned, choosing our schools by seniority. With a couple LTs opting to take only one school it ended up that 22 out of 43 of us kept our jobs (there was one retirement in there). My position fell from 30 hrs to 22.5--I was 11th on the seniority list, however any 6 hour positions were so far away that any gain I'd have by that 1/5 hours would be lost in the cost of gas. And I've done the 45 min or more drive to work and it's awful, esp in NS winters. So, I chose these two schools....
And now as I look at the clock on the comp, I realise it's 2:30 in the a.m. No work on Monday (my sched is done over 4 days, thanks to K, my previous admin at school A.) but I do have things I'll need to do later today so I should get a few hours sleep. G'night.
I am a very fannish person, but other than the occasional squee about a new show or one of my faves (and possibly posts of some guys I consider hotties), I'm really going to try and keep this blog work related. I have other places to be fannish...but I'm not linking to them here. I have no desire for my fannish life and my work/personal lives to intersect.
So background--I know in my user info it's hard to see but that's 22.5 hrs per week to run two school libraries (not 225). I live in a rural area of NS Canada; both of my schools are in large villages/towns; School A at which I have 15 hrs per week, is the larger of the two (and what I consider my home school as it's where I was last year before the changes--more on that later) with ~400 students in P to 5. School B is actually in the village I grew up in, however I didn't attend this school as at the time, it was only for DND dependents who lived in the PMQs. Now, however, it only has ~150 students, also P to 5. The school board has said they're going to look at the boundaries and I hope they do as the boundaries school B shares with the school in the next village over are ridiculous.
Last year, I had a 30 hour/week position at school A (which was considered full time). The provincinal gov't here has been cutting back and cutting back and cutting back on education and health care severely. The next board over initially had all their library staff laid off (they only brought back MS and HS folk). Here? The solution was to cut all library positions (most of us being LTs with a few untrained-but-grandmothered-into-our-contract workers) by 50%. Then they'd pair two schools up and we'd be reassigned, choosing our schools by seniority. With a couple LTs opting to take only one school it ended up that 22 out of 43 of us kept our jobs (there was one retirement in there). My position fell from 30 hrs to 22.5--I was 11th on the seniority list, however any 6 hour positions were so far away that any gain I'd have by that 1/5 hours would be lost in the cost of gas. And I've done the 45 min or more drive to work and it's awful, esp in NS winters. So, I chose these two schools....
And now as I look at the clock on the comp, I realise it's 2:30 in the a.m. No work on Monday (my sched is done over 4 days, thanks to K, my previous admin at school A.) but I do have things I'll need to do later today so I should get a few hours sleep. G'night.
about me,
about my libraries,
background info,
first days,
school a,
school b
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