Thursday and Friday were...nothing out of the ordinary. Although I did walk into my library at School B Thursday morning to find all my chairs and tables missing. I had no idea what was up--did they want to get rid of me, too? LOL I started the long walk down to the office to ask the principal what was up...and as I walked I realised the school board meeting had been hosted there the night before. Hmmm, could it be? I checked in the gym and there were my tables and chairs. I assumed the day janitor would be bringing them back--and she did.
I've started shifting the picture and chapter books at School B--if you remember they were interfiled. (Whisky. Tango. Foxtrot.)--and on 7 ft shelves, etc. I've started working with the chapter books first, going from Z to A cus I know where I wanted that section to end. I'll be moving the picture books twice, because, although I know where I want them to START, I can't put them there as there are books on the shelf already.
I'm weeding the chapter books as I go through (I'll do the pic books when I go to put them back on the shelves)--and putting them 5 shelves high, probably about 4.5 ft for the highest, if that. The non fic will be just a bit higher--boob height on me--the same height I have them at School A (and I lowered several of those that were too high). Non fic, will be done and moved after chaps and pbs--cus I've got soem of the picture books on the shelves for the non fic.
The French immersion teacher is quite willing to cut apart any hardcover books I might have for discard; she likes having something to do while the kids are in the library. We were talking when they were in on Thurs and I said it drives me crazy looking at the books intermixed, but that where I've just got chapter books is calming for me. She said that she feels the same.
Friday morning, the principal was on the PA and called Oct black history month. It's actually Mi'k maq history month. I emailed her the list of facts that I use at School A for the announcements; she came down to the library to thank me for them and said she'd use them. I need to get some more facts so that I can vary them from year to year.
Thursday a.m. rec'd a call from LM, the HR woman for LTs/support staff. We've had, with the school changes, some folks going to Alex schools from Library Pro schools. I knew they'd eventually ask me to inservice folks as I've used Alex the longest and am always as up to date as I can be. So, she called asking me to do it on prov con day which is 26 Oct. I said I would.
Thing is, LM had approved PD and I for the day to do something else, so she's offering us a day in lieu of. We were going to do my school B, but I think now, we'll do PD's school B; she needs help with weeding her picture books. She's never worked elem before....And it's all I've done. The best day for us (I want a tues or wed, she wants a day 2 or 4), is the 24th, two days before the prov con day, but the only day we'd both get what we wanted (though those aren't deal breakers) until the new year because of book fairs and other things. And she'd like to do it sooner rather than later.
I'll ask LM if this is a case of having all the people (prolly 8 or so) having alex on the comps they'll be using (they'd have to bring their own codes to activate them) or if it's just gonna be me, showing them how to do things using an LCD and my version of Alex.... And I'm sure some are on v5, some are on v6.... I'll email her on Tuesday asking for clarifications. Also, see if those who want inservicing have any particular areas they want to go over. I'm sure for most of them, it's probably little things that they want to know how to do or change. And I've got a few suggestions fo things I find help me, that I can also suggest to them/let them know about. I suppose I should feel honoured to be asked to do this. But I'd much rather get my Mondays
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