Well, a bit of catch up is due, it seems.
Shelf reorganisation at school B: I have finished re-shelving the picture books and chapter books. Have also weeded. My discard count is ~2600. And I haven't finished discarded all the weeds yet--all the chap books are done, but about 1/2 or a 1/3 of the picture books.
But seeing as I am in the midst of Book Fair Ponn Farr, it'll have to wait. It IS nice to stare at the shelves across from me and see just picture books neatly on the shelves...then look to the chapter books; but then I shudder when I look at the non fic that still needs to be done. *sigh* I've put posters up in some of the bays over the empty shelves--that's gotten me raves from just about everyone that's set foot in the library. I figured I may as well use it....
Book Fairs--am holding book fairs at both schools in the same bloody week; evening parent events are the same night as well. I'm doing the one at School B as it's my new to me school. PD and one of the EA's at school A are doing the evening event for me. (PD also has BF at her school B--their evening event is Wed, so I will be going up to help her.) Managed to get enough volunteers to cover most slots. I have to be at School B at the end of day both Tues and Wed, and will be by myself there Thurs p.m. (Luckily, school A isn't doing P/T interviews Thurs afernoon.) I'll be working Fri afternoon at school A by myself, too. I'm not sure which is worse, two the same week or doing them one per week, one after the other. I'll know that after February. I DO have interac at School A for the first time. (School B is so small they'd never get interac.)
Almost had a disaster of immense proportions. Not sure if I mentioned it, but School A has a small 14 computer lab in a long narrow room off the library (I think it _might've_ been a library classroom at one point--it has chalkboards. *shrug*). Anyhow, the teachers' have been jonesing for a full classroom sized lab, especially now that they can't do doubles with me.
So PHP II was talking to the head of Info instruction for the board (and the comp tech for School A, SR); the head said that the board wouldn't pay for the full room lab, etc. The genius fucking solution they came up with? 5 computers on either side of the door to the lab--on the LIBRARY side. Where I have the beginning of my non fic and reference. When discussing this with the PHP, I was against it and when I asked where we'd put the books. She waved at the other side of the library, "Oh, over there." fuuuuccckkkk. I was worried about pissing her off, as PD said that's when she tends to get tetchy with folks. So, she left, I went in the back room for a cry and some self pity. Still felt like a slap in the face after all I've done to clean up / open up that library. Once I finished there, I went out and plotted out how I'd have to change the way the library is set up; otherwise I'd be staring at one of the new banks of comps. Anyhow, some teachers were for this idea (bastards) and some weren't.
About a week ago, PHP II tells me (I didn't mention she broached the above with me by asking if I'd heard any rumours about the library. *rolls eyes* What, are we in HS here?) that after talking with the head of Info Tech (not the same dude as above), who's the dude in charge of the tech guys, that he'd said NO to putting the comps in the split situation; 10 in the library 14 in the current lab. I have never wanted to hug a man who is pretty close to a complete stranger to me as I did this man. Tl; dr: both he and the head of property services signed off on us getting the classroom lab (upstairs)--I'll give the PHP II credit--once she learned we'd been thisclose to a lab about 4 years ago (before big budget cuts)--to the point of work orders--she pursued it hardcore. Anyhow, talking to DT at school b today and he said we ARE getting our lab--PHP II didn't make that clear at the last staff meeting.
AND when one of the teachers asked what would happen to the lab once the comps were moved, she answered that "slashgirl has plans for it". I said that I would be making it into a workroom as I have no space to work that isn't in the main library (my backroom is storage and staff books/resources). I also said that it could be used a small meeting room or if teachers wanted to do student testing while in for library, that was cool too. *whispers* I might have an office again, soon.*
Honestly, I love comps and tech, but I hate having the lab near the library cus guess who is always responsible for shit? Yeah. I don't mind on one hand, but on the other? It'll be nice that it's upstairs, far away from me. :D
And I'm pleased the PHP II seems to be willing to give me what I want...and if I get this, I'll try not to ask for anything major for a year or two. LOL
I've actually gotten a bit of cataloguing done--and processing for the hackmatack books. Sent the records to PD and she sent me the french ones (school B gets the french; who do I need to call to cancel those for next year?). If I had my druthers, I'd be a full time cataloguer...and that's all I'd be responsible for. *sigh*
Ah, well. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
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